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WAMS-Enhanced HVDC Control for Flexible and Stable Grid Operations

Oak Ridge naional Laboratory

HVDC systems have been put into operations in western system for three decades and been upgraded for several times. Our research objective is to develop and demonstrate robust and reliable emergency power control methods for Pacific DC Intertie (PDCI) to improve wide-area transient stability and capacity utilization of critical transmission corridors. The main economic benefits would be the increased transfer capability of Pacific AC and DC Interties while reducing the reliance on generator-tripping based remedial action schemes (RAS). Increased bulk power delivery capability from BPA to the high load density areas down the major transmission corridors would provide additional revenue to utilities from competitive energy and ancillary services markets. The project is focusing on three aspects, including 1) develop and demonstrate control methods for PDCI to reduce the reserve margin requirement due to stability consideration following large disturbances; 2) develop and demonstrate corrective control methods for PDCI to improve the security constrained flow distribution of AC-DC corridors during post-contingency conditions; 3) develop applications of synchronized wide-area measurements for providing real-time situational awareness and initiating emergency power control actions of HVDC link.

Enhanced HVDC