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PMU Error Impact

Oak Ridge naional Laboratory

PMUs are the essential devices for many kinds of measurement-based power system applications, such as dynamic line rating (DLR), event location, oscillation detection, islanding detection, etc. Errors existing in the measured frequencies and phase angles have the potential to affect the performance of these applications.

Basically, the measurement errors can be divided into two groups: PMU error and instrumental channel error (VT and CT error) [1]. In order to find the worst case scenario of error impact, the maximum error of PMU and instrumental channel are assumed. The study reveals how the measurement error impacts these applications qualitatively and quantitatively. It provides references for both the study of PMU accuracy and the improvement of measurement-based applications.

This research work was initiated and is carried out in cooperation with ORNL [2].

PMU Error Impact

Figure. Error of DLR on one day in winter

In this figure, the blue circle line represents the dynamic line rating without the PMU measurement error in winter and the blue shadow is the error band of the DLR.


[1] "Impact of Measurement Error on PMU Applications," prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2014.